Anjali Patel Designs


Here’s a little bit about me…


I am Anjali, a UX designer based out of Vancouver.

Transitioning from the world of interior design, I love to create unique experiences that are both exciting and engaging. My goal is to craft complex user flows into simple to use digital experiences. I believe good design does not sacrifice usability for aesthetics. Feedback is essential to create a platform that meets requirements. I am a key player in stakeholder conversations and love working with clients to build a product that truly represents their vision. 

Carrying over a lot of my previous learning from architecture, art, and interior design I strive to incorporate my color knowledge, spacing, 3D animation, and visual design with a blend of unicorn magic. 

My passions include traveling, fitness, matcha anything, and ocassionally binging Netflix. Oh, and you can’t forget my passion for attempting to paint literally everything.






Copyright © Anjali Patel Designs 2021